
How To Preserve Husbands

In Health
June 26th, 2015
Husbands, like peaches, will not keep the year around unless they are well preserved. First select him carefully; be sure he is not too green, neither should he be over-ripe. He might look very tempting and mellow in the market but if he is too old he will not stand the test of the preserving process, but will expose his hard stony heart.

How to Treat Head Lice

In Health
June 26th, 2015
Head lice are a human parasite which are spread through coming in contact with someone who is infested. Head lice can be frustrating as you need to be very painstaking in your treatment of it. If you do not eradicate the head lice from the head, they can continue to breed and spread.

Methods of Hair Removal

In Health
June 26th, 2015
Hair removal can be a confusing process when you don't know the options available to you. You can fight the growth of hair on a daily basis, or every few days thanks to various hair removal preparations available. This article demystifies several methods of hair removal, including waxing, epilation and depilatories.

Treating and Preventing Acne

In Health
June 26th, 2015
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin often caused by the buildup of bacteria in the skin and the inflammatory response. Male hormones may also be a cause of acne as they affect the production of sebum. Most acne treatments applied to the skin focus on reducing sebum, reducing the buildup of dead skin cells and reducing inflammation.